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Rainbow - The Symbol of Hope |
Dream – Stung by swarm of bees
A man was inside a house looking out the front window. It was early morning and the sun was just coming up. He stepped outside and it seemed to be the making of a beautiful day taking place right before his very eyes. The sky was clear and blue. The birds were singing. The trees and grass were a lush green covered in dew.
Suddenly a
swarm of bees appear out of nowhere and begin stinging the man. The swarm is so
thick he cannot see. Out of instinct he begins to run, but not back into the
house. As he tries to outrun the bees they continue to increase in number. Now
there are so many bees that the ground is covered with them at least a foot
deep. The man is not able to keep his balance anymore because of the bees on
the ground. The ground becomes very unstable beneath the man’s feet and he
begins to fall. As he lay on the ground completely covered in bees stinging
him, dying, he cries out to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. End of dream
I believe the dream is speaking to the current affair taking place in our nation. Pun intended. I am speaking of the affair of marriage equality, which has opened the door to true inequality. We are now a nation unequally yoked. What’s done is done. I have seen all the responses going back and forth on the social media sites. I hope to not be lumped in with them. I am only releasing the revelation I believe the Lord has given me to share through this dream that was shared with me by a brother-in-the-Lord. He shared it with me Monday and said he didn’t know what it meant, but he did feel it was some sort of warning from God. He is correct. The dream is a warning for us as individuals, but it is for us in the Church as a whole. As I meditated on the dream I was taken to the scene of the dream itself to get a better understanding of its meaning. It was like watching a documentary and Jesus was the Narrator.
1 Corinthians 15:56 For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. NLT
Because the sting of sin brings death, I believe the bees represent sin, but I feel strongly that they really represent demonic activity, which we have made ourselves vulnerable to through marriage equality. Now before you shoot me down as a hater, let me remind you that I am sharing a message given through a dream so please at least read the whole post before you say anything.
Let me also be clear that because I feel strongly that I have heard clearly from the Lord concerning this message I am not looking for responses supporting or denouncing it because I am not the author, just the messenger. I haven’t directed a hateful word or accusation toward anyone or any group of people because God loves us all because He created us all, but not all are His sons and daughters. Yes, we are all sinners so let me be clear that I am not looking at one sin as greater than another. It is all the same in God’s eyes, or is it really? It all leads to eternal separation from Him, but it is the Lord Himself that is making the distinction today. Why? Because the sacrament of marriage was, and still is, His perfect idea of covenant between man and woman, but we seem to forget He included Himself in the covenant of marriage. It is a covenant between one man, one woman and God Himself, the three being an unbreakable cord. Friday we took Him to court and divorced Him. Plain and simple. We have publicly and very pridefully kicked Him out the house, the White House, that is. It is only part of their plan in action. It is one more thing has been set in place in their timeline to do away with all that shines light in the darkness of their hearts.
Same sex marriage is now the symbol of man’s marriage to himself and not to God. That being said, I’d like say one more thing. The Rainbow House proudly declared it for all the world to see. I am not talking about equality being declared. I am talking about the declaration being made that says, “We don’t need You anymore God”. So God will do something very publicly too for all the world to see, and He used the same rainbow house to declare it simultaneously, as their pride was being displayed all across the world, He was declaring at the same time with their same display, there is still hope America. Do not give up to die. You are called to live and I am displaying My rainbow for all to see and know there is still hope for America.
He is about to set things right and the dream is a warning to be prepared. There’s a flood coming and you will see just how much you do need God America.
John 1:1, 14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
I want to make a point about these verses. We see that Jesus came not only full of grace, but He came full of grace and truth. Yes, God is love. So the true love of God should not only be full of grace, but full of grace and truth, and if we call ourselves His children, then we should also be full of grace and truth, which would be the true rightfully divided word of truth being displayed by the love of God being shed abroad through our hearts.
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
Remember in the beginning was the Word? It is Jesus full of grace and truth of course. So then we know that the word of God in Hebrews 4:12 is Jesus. He is the double-edged sword mentioned in the same verse and that double edged-sword is grace on one side and truth on the other. So we cannot preach just grace because without truth there will be no dividing of the soul and spirit or the unholy from the holy. The vehicle is always love, but sometimes love hurts. So where do we begin cutting? Go look in the mirror and you will see clearly, but the cutting doesn’t stop there. We now must be able to stand for righteousness and yes, it will offend, but if the result is healing how can we withhold someone’s healing by not making it known. We are therefore guiltier if we do not speak the truth in love. We will be held accountable.
The Lord is saying by the actions of one man this nation has been brought out from My White House, My Covenant House, which he has defiled with the uncleanness of his heart and bruised pride, and he has exposed My people to his elements.
Hear a word and obey My commands and you shall not be overtaken by the flood of adversity that will come upon this nation. Even now it is at your door. Do not be deceived by the peaceful tranquility of the day today, because by the twinkling of his eye and the flattering of his lips, he has opened the floodgates to the demonic realm and it will come it with a vengeance to do all the harm it can do to this nation. It has only one mission and that is death. Death to this Christian Nation. Death to Christians. Death to America as you know it. The muck and mire that will pour in, and seek to drown in its sea, the last fruits of all which is holy and righteous in America will seem to be too great to overcome. Many will just give up, lie down and hope to die quickly. They will give in to the majority, even under the strong conviction of My Spirit to rise and shine that I might show forth My glory, My heart and soul, My very reputation in and through them, but they will still give in to the majority and turn from Me, hoping that all memory of their Christian faith will die quickly. I say to you today, do not practice their wicked ways. You have been warned. I begin with the chastising of My leaders in Babylon. You must rise and shine My love through grace and truth. Do not determine before had how to defend yourself. This will only lead to offense. I will give you a mouth and wisdom which your adversaries will not be able to contradict nor resist. Accept that not all will come to repentance. Accept that many will turn against you and seek to harm you and your reputation. Speak what thus says the Lord or be removed. Do not doubt this word saying seeing is believing. If I must cause a demonstration through a modern day Ananias and Sapphira, so be it, you will be the example I show to the majority. Judgment begins in My Father’s House. Flee den thieves and robbers! The One who destroys the body and condemns the soul to hell is coming. I say to you, he who is sinning in a way that does not lead to death, you should pray, and I will give that person life. But there is a sin that leads to death, and I am not saying you should pray for those who commit it…the rejecting and blaspheming of My Spirit. Just as by one man destruction comes, I say to you, that by One Man resurrection power will come. At the appointed time I will pour out My revelation for America, so deep and so pure, and I will immerse America in holiness and righteousness…a baptism by fire. Where by one man a nation was brought down to its knees, I declare to you today, I will cause there to rise up to heaven, out of America, one voice and one mind through the people and for the people. I will pour out My divine governmental decrees and orders through My holy ones, the intercessors, to bring America back to Me, one nation under God, indivisible and I will pour out healing on America. It will be like honey so thick and sweet to bring healing to the very bones of this nation. My people will not be able to stand in the depth of the outpouring of healing in this nation just as the man in the dream could not stand because the ground being covered in bees a foot deep. It is the very thing that brought this man to the ground, the bees, that I will use to bring the honey, the healing revival to America and all will truly taste and see the goodness of the Lord. All knees will bow and all tongues will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord over all of America. But just as in the dream the man was not prepared for the swarm of bees, I say to you, many of My people are not prepared. If the man had been wearing a beekeepers protective clothing and had a beekeeper’s smoker, he would have been prepared. My people are not prepared for the move of My Spirit, which has already begun. They will not know what to do, says the Lord. My people must be a people sealed with, and full of, the Holy Ghost. They must also be men and women of prayer. They are the ones who are full of Spirit and Truth, and they will not be stung by the sting of sin. No, instead they will be a men and women of prayer and their righteous intercession will avail much and minimize the move of the unholy ones. This will cause many to turn from their wicked ways and be healed of their own self-destructions. The Lord has spoken it and will not delay to fulfill it. There is a new Rainbow Coalition about to be raised as the true banner over America. It will be the symbol of hope and not pride.
Amen to the Ancient of Days, the Holy One of Israel.
THE HOUSE – the White House, House of God’s Covenant with the people
we have
transitioned into the time and season
THE MORNING – a new day, the day of God’s
redemptive judgments being poured out; also a play on words – The Mourning, as
in a time of sorrows
CLEAR DAY – many will not believe it to be true
because of the false peace, the calm before the storm
SWARM OF BEES – demonic forces empowered to inflict
STINGING – sin, bondage, iniquity – constant stinging
is it coming to its fullness and overflowing out on all and for all to see
RUNNING AWAY FROM HOUSE – people will still choose to run
further away from the covenant rather than back to it, but it is because of
flattery and lying words they will be led further away
(12 INCHES) OF BEES COVERING THE GROUND – the current government will not stand or endure much
longer, it cannot be sustained under the weight of this current leader and
policies – this is his desired result, but fails to understand it is also the
Lord’s designed result
DEATH – overwhelmed
to the point of death, a nation passed feeling, a nation with a conscience seared
DYING CRYING OUT FOR MERCY – repentance borne out of the fear of
the Lord comes and revival follows
Not shown in the dream:
Beekeeper suit - sealed with, and full of, the Holy
Spirit – Read Psalm 91:1 thru to end
Beekeeper smoker – prayers of the righteous,
I found the following about beekeeper’s smoker on Wikibooks.org. I added the words in parentheses to help understand the symbolism and the message the Lord is revealing to us which confirms His word about intercessors being very instrumental during this time. Remember this is not a dream I had, it came from a brother in Christ so I could not have made this up if I tried. God is so good.
Smokers (intercessors) are likely one of the most important tools that a beekeeper (the Father, Son, Holy Spirit) should have with them. A smoker has two main purposes. Primarily a smoker (prayers, intercession) will encourage bees (sinners) to engorge on honey (repentance bringing forth revival). Encouraging honey (healing love of God) engorging (crying out to the Lord with repentance and worship) is beneficial as bees (sinners) with stomachs filled with honey (God’s grace and truth) are unable to easily sting (sin). The exact reasoning for this engorging behavior is unknown (because it’s supernatural), though it likely evolved as a means of saving as much of the viable hive products by moving them in the case of a forest fire (or in other words, God’s wrath is turned away through intercessors praying to bring national repentance and worship). Secondly the smoke (intercession) produced from a smoker (intercessor) can mask scents and pheromones (prayers keeping the righteous hidden from the enemy; read Psalm 91) Most importantly it (intercession) hides the alarm scent administered by guard bees (demonic spirits) and the alarm scent present during a sting (move of deception). WOW!
Last thought: true intercessors are not always understood by most people, especially those closest to them. Trust me, I know. God’s true intercessors can at times seem flaky, reclusive, anti-social and even undependable. That is because when God calls them into the secret place of intercession it can be at the most inconvenient times. It will at least look that way to the unlearned and uninformed, but to the intercessor, the call is clear, and most of the time is urgent and requires quick and unchallenged obedience. I want to encourage the intercessors to not take it personal when people question your decision to answer the call to pray. They will not understand because God calls you to pray to prevent something from happening or to birth something into existence. So it may seem like you are overreacting, fearful and disillusioned. Overlook it and hold it not against them. Not everyone will go with you, not everyone is called or willing to pay the price. They are the reason for the intercession. People, God so loves us.
Daniel 11:32 Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.
The Message Bible says it this way: But as he passes through the country, he will be filled with anger at the holy covenant. He will take up with all those who betray the holy covenant, favoring them. The bodyguards surrounding him will march in and desecrate the Sanctuary and citadel. They’ll throw out the daily worship and set up in its place the obscene sacrilege. The king of the north will play up to those who betray the holy covenant, corrupting them even further with his seductive talk, but those who stay courageously loyal to their God will take a strong stand.
BOOM! – there is your second
confirmation for this dream’s meaning. Two being the number of witness and it
also means it has been established.
What am I saying? It’s our time. We have been drafted and are being called to the frontline. You are not being asked to volunteer. Be it obedient or a deserter, you are being told to rise and shine for your light has come.
Holy Father in Heaven, fill us with your Holy Spirit and
seal us in righteousness. Cause us to be men and women of prayer, watching
while we pray for our nation to turn back to You. In Jesus name, Amen.
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