Sunday, April 12, 2015

Prison Ministry - Wallace Pack Unit, Navasota, Texas

Originally posted February 3, 2015

We recently began a new class for the men in the faith-based dorm on Tuesday mornings. Today was the third week so far and the men are responding to the curriculum in an amazing way. Not only are they very attentive in class, but they are taking the worksheets and teaching the exercises to other inmates who are not enrolled in the faith-based dorm. Something interesting is happening, the men who do not come to the services are interested in attending the classes now. The curriculum is a 10 week DVD teaching series by Jack Frost of Shiloh Place Ministries. It is titled Breaking Free: Uprooting Destructive Habits and Thought Patterns. After class was over today I noticed two young men hanging out at the back of the gym. They had been watching the video so I asked if they learned anything from it. They both smile and said yes. Then one of them said they wished the class opened to the entire prison because there were many men in the unit who want to attend the class. He said we know about it because the guys from the faith-based dorm have been sharing the information with us after the classes. Wow! Glory to God! The Lord told me that these teachings would not only set the men free from many destructive habits, but that they would go and teach other men in the prison who did not attend church and they would be set free from many things. Please pray for favor with the warden of the prison unit. I want to ask for permission to have the classes opened to the entire prison unit. In order for him to say yes he must have personnel available to facilitate the classes. Also pray for financial provision to supply the manuals for all the men who desire to attend. Most of all, pray for revival to break out at the unit. Thank you for your support and prayers!
Smashing Pillars International