We were at the unit from 12:30 PM until 8:00 PM. The service started at 2:00 PM. God did so much during this time that it would take me days to write it all out, but I do want to share some of the things He did and give Him the glory He deserves. First, let me thank the SPI intercessors who covered us while we were in the unit. You know who you are. Second, I want to thank the team of students from VSSM who came out and totally blessed the men in the unit. VSSM, YOU ROCK!
The team consisted of fearless leader Linda Spencer-Kirkwood, Mark McDaniel, David Bradley Crouch, Rebecca Rubio, Angela Newton, Maria Estebane, Marcy Benner, Maria Cristina Spiller and Richard Ramsey who also interceded for us while we were in the unit. We also want to thank Warden Robert Herrera and Chaplain David Nichols for allowing us to go into the unit to minister to the men. We are so grateful and appreciate you two men! May the Lord rain blessings into your lives.
The men were so transformed by the experience they were still talking about the outreach when I returned for Tuesday morning class. Many said the prophetic words they received from the students were so powerful and inspiring. Others were very touched by the flags and the prophetic praise dancing by Rebecca, Mark, Angie and Brad. Some of the men said they could sense God was doing something prophetically through the dancing. The band loved worshipping with Marcy. They were so blessed by her and her ability to easily flow with them in worship by the Spirit. The Lord began moving in healings and impartations after worship and the message shared by Linda. Linda had a word of knowledge for healing of pain on the left side. Several men came up for prayer and received instant healing from the pain. More men began to come up for prayer and so I asked some of the men from the unit who are in the faith based dorm to pair up with the VSSM students to pray for those who were responding to the call for prayer. It was the perfect opportunity to stir up the gifts in the men and to put to practice what they have been learning in the program. It was also hands on training for them in praying for healing. The VSSM students encouraged them to continue praying for healing even if the person they are praying for isn't healed the first time they pray. The students encouraged the men to contend for healing through prayer. The men witnessed many healings and were so on fire that God used them. Here are some of the healings reported:
- Linda - pain left side - several healings, no idea how many
- Marcy - 2 healed from pain 10-0, also a healing from pain in shoulders, also another who had severe back pain in the meeting and began to cry when Marcy prayed for him because the pain left him.
- Rebecca - prayed for a man who had Parkinson's disease and was shaking at the time, but was not shaking after he received prayer! Praise God.
- There were other healings such as emotional and mental.
Thank you Pastor Sally and Victory Christian Center for offering Victory School of Supernatural Ministry where people are taught how to bring Heaven to earth by living a supernatural lifestyle. The hands-on training, along with sound biblical teaching and knowledge they receive at VSSM, is making a difference in the lives of the students, but also in the lives of the people they encounter everywhere everyday. Go God and go VSSM!
A big thank you to all SPI supports. You are making a difference in countless lives!
Receive this blessing:
May the Lord bless you and keep you;
May the Lord make His face shine upon you;
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you;
And give you peace...Shalom.
His best to you,
Samuel - Smashing Pillars....raising sons.
Smashing Pillars International is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your financial donations are all tax deductible. Thank you in advance.
Donations can be made online at: www.smashingpillarsinternational.org
May the Lord bless you and keep you;
May the Lord make His face shine upon you;
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you;
And give you peace...Shalom.
His best to you,
Samuel - Smashing Pillars....raising sons.
Smashing Pillars International is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your financial donations are all tax deductible. Thank you in advance.
Donations can be made online at: www.smashingpillarsinternational.org
If you would like to mail in a donation, please mail to:
Smashing Pillars International
14403 Walters Rd., #681601
Houston, Texas 77014
Be sure to include your prayer requests.